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    Der Reverse Joe Smoker hat einen variabel einsetzbaren Kamin. Ideale Temperatursteuerung mit dem Reverse Flow System von Cactus Joe ®.
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World Record in Constant Barbecue / 2007

Newly arrived by email from Boss of the World Barbecue Association:

World Record in Constant Barbecue.

The BIG BOYS Team set a new world record during the fair beef.ch this year.

The goal was to beat the existing record of gourmet grills from Pforzheim in Hahn Germany

Made in 2005 with 27 hours Constant Barbecue.

The BIG BOYS Team constantly had at least 600 pounds of meat in the cooking chamber have the fire was never allowed to go out.

Was started on Wednesday 29 August 2007, and ended late in the night on Sunday, the 9th September 2007, were grilled well over 8000 pounds of meat and ribs, man. Grilled over 260 hours at

Add to BIG BOY Team was Vincenzo Damonte, Carol and Rolf Zubler and more Workers.

The BIG BOY Team was Paptised and called on our large former President of the Kansas City Barbecue Society, Gary Wells.


The Best Barbecue...


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